Latest News & Key Issues Impacting Independent Loggers

Forest Emergency Order
President Trump announced his intent to sign an Emergency Order to “Free up our Forests” for active management and domestic lumber production. Two weeks ago the American Loggers Council and the American Biomass Energy Association met with White House officials to discuss the timber industry, biomass, and the Road Map to Recovery. A Forest Emergency declaration was also presented for consideration.
The “pace and scale” at which the Trump Administration is moving, and this Emergency Order, are examples of the “pace and scale” that our national forests management needs to pursue in order to mitigate wildfire threats, restore the health of U.S. forests, and support the domestic timber and forest products industries.
The American Loggers Council looks forward to, and is prepared to, work with President Trump and his Administration to responsibly and sustainably manage U.S. forests instead of them being managed by fire, disease, infestation, and mortality.
The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe Podcast
Mike Albrecht - Got Wood?
As a logger and forester, Mike Albrecht knows a lot about wood. He is the two-time president of the American Loggers Council, and he’s on a mission to reintroduce America to one of its most abundant and reliable renewable resources—wood. Mike also speaks to how we can better manage our forests to prevent wildfires.

February 2025 - As We See It! - "The Fix is In!"
Those of us who are blessed to live and work in the woods know something is very wrong. Millions of acres of America’s forests burn in wildfires every year. Along with the forests, towns and homes burn, ecosystems are severely damaged, and watersheds are turned into
mudflows and landslides. While the toll on the environment is great, more sobering is the loss of human lives and the long-ranging health impacts. Wildfire smoke offsets years of anti-pollution efforts and is finally receiving the scientific study needed to evaluate the adverse effects on human health.....
January 2025 - As We See It! - "The Roaring 20’s"
Will history repeat itself? The 1920’s were known as the “Roaring 20’s” and represented a decade of economic growth and widespread prosperity after the economic downturn from the 1918 Pandemic and WWI post war recession. After the pandemic and WWI the U.S. economy experienced a recession that was characterized by increased government regulation, agricultural price collapse, national debt, high inflation due to increased government spending, increased interest rates, high unemployment and business failures...