American Loggers Council

Working Together for a Stronger, More Sustainable Logging Industry

The American Loggers Council represents professional timber harvesters and log truckers across the United States. By joining the American Loggers Council, you help preserve the future of logging, ensuring that the industry thrives for generations to come. Together, we can shape a sustainable future for logging, advocating for fair regulations and practices that support timber professionals.

American Loggers Council

Membership Classes

American Loggers Council membership includes three distinct classes to best serve the diverse needs of logging professionals:

Individual Membership

The American Loggers Council is the only national organization solely dedicated to representing independent contract loggers and log truck drivers. By becoming an individual member, you receive access to:

  • Exclusive American Loggers Council Member Rebates
  • Annual Meetings
  • Promotions
  • Log Truck Driver Safety Training

State Membership

The American Loggers Council is a coalition of state and regional logging associations, representing logging professionals in 45 states across the country. By becoming a member through your state association, you join forces with logging professionals nationwide, benefiting from:

  • Education and Training Opportunities
  • Networking and Research
  • Promotion of Sustainable Practices
  • Legislative Coordination

Associate Membership

Our associate members are vital to the American Loggers Council’s success. Your support helps back timber harvesters and haulers nationwide in their efforts to advocate for sustainable forest management practices. As an associate member, you will receive continuous visibility to a wide audience of timber professionals through the American Loggers Council’s expanding network. Benefits include:

  • Visibility Across American Loggers Council’s Growing Network
  • Access to Expanding Social Media Platforms
  • Reliable and Informative Content for Industry Insiders
American Loggers Council

Join Today

Become a member of the American Loggers Council and be part of a united effort to ensure the future of sustainable logging practices. Together, we can ensure the logging profession thrives for years to come.

Individual Membership Application

Yes, as an Individual Logger Member of the American Loggers Council, I will assist this organization in fulfilling its mission of:

  • Enhancing the logging profession
  • Providing a unified voice on logging issues, and
  • Cooperating with public, industrial and private timberland owners to further sustainable forestry practices 
MM slash DD slash YYYY
A State or Regional Logging Association. (check one)
Category of membership requested (Please check one)

Forward this application and payment to:

American Loggers Council
1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 400
Washington, DC 20004

All individual logger memberships will be due January 1 of each succeeding year. There is no pro-rata rate available based on the date of initial membership.

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